The help of an experienced bankruptcy lawyer can be vital. Finding someone who cares about you now as well as how bankruptcy will influence your future is critical so that you can have the peace of mind to take this important and major step.
When you are thinking about filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you’ll encounter many different people or websites attempting to tell you what to expect. The truth is that you need to talk to a lawyer about how your bankruptcy will actually influence your future.
When you’re in the midst of struggling with debt, you may find it difficult to imagine your life after that stress is gone. Filing bankruptcy can give you the opportunity to remove unmanageable debt and obtain a fresh financial start. At The Winter Law Group, we not only help people through bankruptcy — we seek to help them prepare for life after it.
Many people have questions about how bankruptcy will affect their financial future such as:
The answers to these questions depend mostly on you. Once free from unmanageable debt, you have the ability to determine how to manage your money and provide for your future. You can learn from past mistakes and take positive steps to prevent future credit hassles
Making the decision to file bankruptcy is just one step to taking control of your financial future. We can help you find ways and take additional steps to continue living debt free.
You probably never expected to be here and have discovered that the future is never certain, but you can still prepare for it. There are many resources available to help people effectively manage their money. As a former business analyst and consultant, our attorney can help you understand the tools and resources available to help you properly budget, find ways to save, manage your credit, continue living debt free and take steps to prepare for an always uncertain future.
Creditors and employers really want to know that you are fiscally responsible. Carrying large, overdue balances for years is more likely to hurt your overall credit performance than obtaining a fresh start through bankruptcy. By making smart financial decisions and budgeting responsibly, you can re-establish your credit following bankruptcy and restore your credit-worthiness.
Your financial future post-bankruptcy is largely defined by you. We seek to help you take positive steps toward living debt free. Make an appointment to speak with an experienced lawyer about your options for building a solid foundation today. We represent clients in Fresno and throughout the Central Valley of California.
1060 Fulton Street, Fresno, California 93721, United States
Saturdays & Evenings By Appointment
1060 Fulton Street, Fresno, California 93721, United States
Saturdays & Evenings By Appointment
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